
Thank you for your interest in WAIMUN 2024! Please read and fill out the information below so that we have proper contact information and attendance records. All inquiries should be directed to

Registration will close on March 10th at 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Registration Closes March 10th!

Registration Closes March 10th!

March 16th

In-person Day Delegates:

Regular Registration (1/14 - 3/3) : $20

Late Registration: (3/4 - 3/10) : $25

March 17TH

Online Day Delegates:

Regular Registration (1/14 - 3/3) : $5

Late Registration: (3/4 - 3/10) : $10

  • Delegate Registration

    Delegates can register as part of a delegation or as independent delegates. All delegates, regardless of whether they are a part of a delegation, should register for the conference through the Delegate Registration form. Delegates that are a part of a delegation should wait for the advisor to register their delegation before registering independently. Upon completion of the form, delegates should expect to receive a confirmation email within 24 hours and a position assignment within 72 hours. If a delegate has any questions, they can reach out to

  • Delegation Registration

    In order to attend as a delegation, the head delegate or advisor must complete the delegation registration form. Upon completion of the form, a confirmation email will be emailed within 24 hours. Delegates are expected to fill out the delegate registration form once a confirmation email for the delegation has been received.

No Refund Policy

Washington International Model United Nations Conference does not offer refunds after payment towards the conference is submitted. Further information regarding WAIMUN Refunds are decided at discretion of the Secretariat team and Board.